diaryone v6.9

diaryone v6.9

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diaryone v6.9



DiaryOne   DiaryOne
That's a great and wonderful thing to write down our life. Or maybe you want to preserving the daily journal, log, etc.
Do you always get headache for the safety and secrecy of your private paper-written diary? Are you tired of the diary with plain text?
DiaryOne is a creative multimedia diary software for storing your private information securely.
Multimedia information - DiaryOne can store not only texts but also multimedia information including sounds, pictures, etc. Sometimes you don't want to type into the diary, you can speak to DiaryOne and it will record your voice. That's the sound diary.
Secret diary - DiaryOne stores any information based on account. Before using it, you must create an account for yourself. The account is protected by the password you specified. All your privacy will never be accessed by others.
Secure diary - DiaryOne provides the security for your data. It also provides the backup/restore and the export/import solutions within the software. And more, DiaryOne provides more plug-ins for export your diaries to 'CD Diary', 'Web Diary', etc.
Personalization - DiaryOne provides various skins and stationeries for your diaries. You can select a diary skin as you like, more skins can be got from the website. The various stationeries can suit the various mood. When creating account, DiaryOne provides many display picture for your account, select one as you like.
Easy to use - DiaryOne is an easy-to-use diary keeper. All operations are simple and human.
Nice interface - DiaryOne simulate the real diary-book.
Additional materials - DiaryOne provides many additional materials in its package including additional emotions, illustrates and photos. You can use them in your diary easily. Of course, you can add your own materials into the materials library.
Quickly and easily search - DiaryOne can find what you want quickly and easily. You only need enter a phrase for searching, then DiaryOne will list the results to you.




文字记录心情 – 写日记 如果你是写作高手,利用日记本来写小说,亦或是你是传统文字日记的爱好者,DiaryOne为你提供全面的文字编辑工具,可以改变字体颜色,底色,排序方式等。

我爱插图 – 图片日记 你是绘图高手,用漫画表达自己的心情,亦或者喜欢在日记里用些小表情,DiaryOne提供丰富的素材库,当然也支持将电脑中的图片上传到日记中。

说出我的心情 – 录日记 想偷个懒了,不想一个字一个字的写日记了,又或者是文字不能表达现在的心情了,那就利用录音功能,为自己录篇可以听到的日记。

音乐烘托心情 – 背景音乐 写日记的时候,给日记插段合适的背景音乐,写起日记来是不是特有感觉。以后自己闲时看日记的时候,听着音乐,日记不再是空洞的文字,更加具有感染力。

来段有意思的Flash动画 今天看到一个有意思的FLASH,又或者是和老朋友聚会,用视频和照片做了段Flash,通通都放到日记本里吧。回头看的时候,是不是更容易回忆起那段快乐时光。

体贴小工具 – 个人记账理财 又超支了?总想记账,可总是开始记几天,后来又忘记了。那就利用日记本中的记账小工具,在你每天写日记的时候,顺便将今天的开支一并记上吧。

安全可靠 – 密码登陆模式 DiaryOne采用特殊的密码登陆账号模式,充分的保证了内容的安全不外漏性,同时可靠的备份系统,可以帮你保存的数据不丢失。

多款皮肤界面信纸任你挑 单一的软件界面容易产生审美疲劳,DiaryOne为个性的你提供多款时尚靓丽的皮肤,你可以任意挑选;同样也提供多款日记信纸,为自己写的不同的日记挑选不同的信纸。

导出日记为电子书 我们可以将自己写的日记导出为电子书,如果你利用日记本写小说,或是想与朋友分享你的日记,那就直接导出有图文的电子书吧:)

多个专属账号 在使用东日电子日记本的时候,需要创建一个带有密码的私人帐号。当然根据需要可以创建多个独立的账户。正确填写账号密码,就可以登录到属于自己的专属空间,保证自己的隐私不被被人偷窥;不同账号里面的内容是不相通的,共享又有自己的私密空间。


